Saturday, October 27, 2007

How Does Lupus Rash Began

dv6420la HP Solution webcam - Ubuntu 7.04 Hp

Uhy, this does not cost as thought because the problem was to keep working. Explaining

above is the installation or configuration of hp webcam notebook or laptop has the words dv6420la dv6000 series (so that they can also serve others chicony webcam model that for what I have understood those dv2000 series also have them), this info is found in two blog distintinos thus have two possible solutions, I'll start with the most "complicated" for want of a shape and then remantare the easiest solution and a small extra step so they do not disappear but the webcam.

1 .- Solution hard extruded Blog Raseck

console type in lsusb

I D 0c45: 62c0 Microdia (if you see this code is that you have the Chicony webcam)

If the above type the following in

same console sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion sudo svn checkout
cd /

sudo make sudo make install

test module modprobe uvcvideo

Image Ready if you are not even restart and then open the amsn ekiga or to enjoy it.

One problem I encountered at least my distro, I have not been able to maintain the configuration, because with a couple of reboots of the pc I have no more image, so you have to constantly perform this process. 2 .-

easy solution taken from the blog of
Workspace console type in lsusb

I D 0c45: 62c0 Microdia (if you see this code is that you have the Chicony webcam )

sudo apt-get install gspca-source sudo ma

prepare sudo ma ai gspca

Ready, restart the system as the solution to previous password to gain or amsn ekiga or any program that has support for video playback.

Another similarity between solution 1 and 2 is that after a couple of reboots it loses the image from the webcam so you have to reinstall or reconfigure the last 2 steps of the solution 2. But I talked with the author of this solution and I have indicated the following:

first open the file:

sudo gedit / etc / modules

end of the file Add the following line modules

and save, reboot and voila, I've tried and have had no more problems. Well

a second solution to the problem mentioned is to create a script (with the help of Dreamlinux ) called webcam, as follows:

create any text file, and added the following lines:

#! / Bin / sh

sudo ma prepare sudo ma ai
-f gspca

save it with the name of in any folder that suits us.

then give correspondiende permissions using the following command, open a console, enter cd
and through to the folder where the file we and tipeamos following:

sudo chmod + x

then we go to the gnome menu and entered: System> Preferences> Sessions

generate a new item at the beginning of ubuntu

on the webcam name is we reinstall command
and click Browse and select the file

Ready, is a slightly longer version than the workspace, but also works, like the previous restart and we can see how it works with ekiga, amsn, etc..

leave some pictures to show the quality of the webcam

Waiting that someone else can help them, I say goodbye. Iemhka

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cineplex Odeon Prices

Solution Webcam problem in Windows Vista

Well here again, trying to help all mortals like me who have more than any headache with a built-in webcam to bring the notebook hp dv6000 series and dv2000 series (some of them).

Ok, as an introduction I will start by saying that the problem is very common in the notebook or laptop series hp dv2000/6000/9000 (from what I've seen). To start manufacturing the PC Unknown years presents no problem with the webcam, even one of the first things one does in these pc's is to use the webcam is seeing both the msn as the quickplay. But do nothing more than a couple of reboots the computer and this will not be on msn more, including trying to use the webcam with msn, it will throw an error and have to restart your msn, this infinitely without obtaining a favorable outcome. Once

discussed the problem, I will start by saying that the webcam you have these notebooks are Chicony or Ricoh. If you have the first (so chicony), the solution described below, in the case of the Ricoh I know, but I read a few lines on the HP site which refers to the problem and should be modified regsitro to windows vista solution.

webcam have to determine that you must enter

-device manager> imaging devices-> webcam Hp (properties)

on the first screen of the general property window shows the mark of the webcam.

Good for the lucky ones like me who have the Chicony webcam here is the solution.

But I must say that this solution the forum take a , but publish it here because it took me long to find the solution.


" - Download the following file: (reuploaded)

- Decompress the file and run. (Will ask you to reboot the pc, do it and wait for the reset and hardware detection)

- then go to Device Manager-> devices, image-> webcam Hp (or cam usb 2.0)

- enter webcam properties and then update the device.

- choose to search driver on your computer.

-then goes to update driver, choose search
driver on your computer
-walks to choose from a list of drivers on my computer
-disable option-compatible devices
-head to choose Acer Crystal Eye webcam ( probably ask you if you're sure to install that driver q is not "compatible") accept without fear
-expected aq
-install all imaging devices now on Acer Crystal Eye webcam saldra
-and-play your webcam as well and not always with official drivers hp q recognize the camera when I wanted "

I hope someone else will take her.

PS: I noticed that the driver is also compatible to use in Windows XP because Vista had me bored, so for those who want to switch to XP will also work.