Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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I hope to see you all at the fair this year HVAC attend as a visitor, this year due to crisis gives me the feeling that dwindle the number of exhibitors but were increased in proportion to square meters of exhibition. I hope that the unfortunate
crisis we are experiencing in the field of air conditioning and generally in all economic sectors, not prolonged and have a good season heating and air conditioning.
In the last two years has accompanied the weather, not to remember last season air conditioning with a summer without pinching of excessive temperature, since the Summer is the final and most important of the campaign.

why I believe in commitment to innovation and renewable energy compared to traditional air conditioning products, as this is a value added product for the installer, and also contribute to reducing emissions of these products is the Biomass , but we could also talk about solar energy and geothermal energy in this show I know that there will be a lot more presence of manufacturers and distributors of these products two years ago.
believe and defend the recycling of conventional air conditioning installers and heating to these new technologies, basing its business diversification, they are very similar, if preparing in training and obtaining the respective meats.
I will give my opinion once the show is ending. _____________________________________________________________________________________

As I said after the visit to the fair I give you my simple opinion, Stands modest, smaller than at other times, walking the halls very well, not like in other occasions with crowds, with respect to innovations I have seen no big surprises.
I have drawn much attention as the Uponor stands where various events, with a large booth, this year has been compared to other smaller fairs.
The theme of time and start on Tuesday and end on Friday also called my attention from other years.
Flags were also less than in previous years. In restaurants there were crowds, usually a measured and consistent fair to the hard times that we live in our industry and general economic and social whole.

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ARIC incorporated to its product range of biomass boilers LASI brand, to support the range of powers to the mark could not offer ARTEL has been selected this brand for the long experience in the English market for quality and reliability, with boilers ranging from 25 kW to 2325 kW, including its products, we opted for BIOSELECT model to be presented at the upcoming Madrid air conditioning, although it is introduced into the market, has several points over its predecessors make it more competitive, one of these points is self cleaning does not require regular cleanings as other boilers (every 15 days), another is that of automatic ignition, improved from the predecessors models.
Such boilers have been designed primarily for use with pellet but can used with other solid fuels such as almond shells, olive cake olive stone, and chip yields are obtained with pellets that meet DIN PLUS.
The boiler incorporates the hopper and auger fueling fully automatic.
electronically Control is fully automated and can display its operating status through your display.
The boiler achieves high throughput which makes it very desirable in sports centers, town halls, schools, etc. .. general communities that opt \u200b\u200bfor low-power boilers and high performance committed to the environment and reducing emissions.
On ARTEL brand as we speak, higher power as a service we offer the implementation of these boilers.
For more information contact:

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The maintenance of this equipment is simple, the client usually tells us when the display shows a message service (very common in English market brands or registration SERVICE BE), these intervals of service once the service call will be reset, but not the total hours of operation that will guide us to use is giving the stove by the customer.
An important issue is the regulation of the parameters involved in our experience so if we turn off the stove will give more speed to our bi worm (known as the cochlea) or we turn up the fan speed in our case we also have some kick to increase the speed exhaust fan fumes.
My experience has shown that good regulation is one that can work the oven at low power with minimal consumption of pellet and not off, another little trick is that if this what we have achieved in the control parameters of different powers will also make the correction how?, as a proportion as if a regular PID any air conditioning equipment, another tip if you permit me before changing parameters is pointed to the parameters of the stove.
Normally these computers do not usually occur when there are too many problems and tend to be setup but over time we can find faults in the circuit board or on wear resistance, these problems are easy to detect because it appears to us in the display indicating the problem with our stove.
is recommended to advise the client to use good materials for the installation of camera equipment such as pipe flanges and end, never use metal band in the case of not having flanges is advisable to approach a store and purchase not leave the band to later replace something that never happens because workarounds workarounds become final.
I hope I have helped but I think the best expert I explained all my little secrets, I hope that this information is useful for your work.
Also in the case of installing a stove, I recommend acquiring a distributor or manufacturer has a service to which access or use in the event of a malfunction, that you avoid many headaches and not look bad with the client. I
with ARTEL biomass products had a great commitment, commitment to our customers (installers) and now from technical and commercial part I valued very much.
If you want to contact you enclose my email:

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When I joined the business network of commercial and technical ARIC biomass products and general conditioning, and more specifically the ARTEL brand, we work directly with the importer of the product allowing us to get very good prices, service, manage it ourselves and this allows us to give very good service after sales and presales.
What was my surprise when I found direct importers of brands that I will not comment that sell directly to final customers what is the problem with this, it is a way to bust the market like what you got years ago with the air conditioning.
This trade policy hurts the installer and end user that performs the same installation, the installer since it is a man who has obtained the cards from the industry department which ensures that the installation was done according to criteria and legislation and if I have a problem will be responsible for the installation and will intercede with the service brand if necessary, which occurs when the end user perform an installation if there is a problem the manufacturer requesting the certificate of installation or a bill of sale distributor the end customer is helpless with what is left with no choice but to pay the replacement and repair, which gives a disgrace to the manufacturer.
This is my opinion but I will keep working in this way to protect the installer.