Sunday, September 19, 2010

Metal Detectors Finding Sterling Silver

megadoses Oda

short of creative inspiration, began to play Fableton LoL (League of Legends) and has not worked in the migration of the blog, the other the hell do you know god q and as I'm bored and I have worked in photoshop lately I leave this image q did in less than 2 minutes using (ironically) the, q is a kind of austere but very quick photoshop q use as a replacement for mspaint.

If you've seen the movie 300 have seen a shitload of dudes with pack abs Spartan q only have 4 things: leather pants, shield, sword and cape. The breastplate and helmet are optional.

Anyway, the point of this is q prior wars were real wars with real men, q be raffled battles against thousands of more sucked weyes q outnumbered, but it was worth and mothers were giving of Vergaz against them knowing q q safest thing was to die, but still worth a Webo them and they would give fregadazos. Melee

back to back, fighting all together, using the strength and strategy, brandishing a sword and covering with a heavy shield, Webo!! if these wars were not like today blowjobs q plane goes click, releases a blast and sucked, passes a tank and breaks their balls, come flying snipers and brain were far away ...

you have never seen a war where soldiers vdd pinchis draw their Swiss Army knives and stick to the other q fregadazos defend their brothers in war at the expense of your own life? nel, and it is not customary that, what today is a shoot from a distance. Pinches Marikas!!

If they hold on to putazos Webo as males! I shit

wars ... All
u_u why I leave a nice image of Hello Kitty

Kids, if you go to war, leaving their rifles on the ground, remove your shirt, enrédensela on the knuckles and will break his mother to the enemy. A kill by Webo q jump to rambo, but will die as men jotitos vdd and not by a bullet from a fucking homosexual knows q only pull a trigger.

Anyway, my frustration got even q do not know where the hell out. Sorry for the profanity, but I was chingon q post: D

q do not know why I said my q temporal lobe and had previously written something like this ... O_o

MegadanX4 Greetings


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